What I’m working with

I was trying to embed a tweet from Anne Boyer but it’s not working. She wrote this morning, “I wonder if all the creative writing workshops in the anthropocene will be ‘poetry of the world’s end.'”


Anne Boyer’s work stirs and unsettles me early and often. I know it’s important because when I’m reading it I often want to scream “STOP STOP STOP.”  Her work has taught me a lot, mostly embarrassing, about what I’m afraid to lose.


I saw this tweet from Anne this morning and I thought “STOP STOP STOP.”  I’ve learned that that means she should keep going, keep undoing, keep remaking, and that I should keep listening. That’s what I hope to do as people talk to me down at the booth next week: to listen to fears, including mine, without covering my ears or someone else’s mouth.

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